Me, Myself & My Happiness

Sometimes life’s greatest decisions are influenced by others wants and desires for you. It is so easy to get suckered into feeling as though you need to accomplish something for the praise of someone else especially those you love. I’m a people pleaser. Maybe some of you can even relate. I’ve felt as though I’ve lost myself a bit in the pressure of doing well in school. For being such a present person, all I could think of was the anxiety of the future.

Something I commend myself for is staying true to me. All it took was one emotional break down, a pep talk  from some good people and a big leap of “just do it.” At last I can breathe. Never doubt the love the people most important to you have for you. What I learned these past couple of weeks is that as much as they want all the success and good fortune for you in the world, they want your happiness the most. Choose happiness. Choose experiences. Choose to be present. Choose to breathe and never lose yourself in the process of adult decisions.

For the first time in a very long time I officially feel as though I am on a good path and it feels pretty damn good.


A Happy Kelly

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